Marco Daturi | Publications

My Books

Although writing has never been a passion of mine, I have managed to find some time to do it.

Change Marketing

How to lead the change starting from the revision of the corporate identity.

Marco Daturi | 2022 | Ed. Libri di Impresa

Scuba 2.0

Guide to the new diving. Equipment, training, travel destinations and more.

Marco Daturi | 2009 | Ed. Hoepli

Scuba Italia

Guide to scuba diving in Italy with over 550 diving sites selected by Region.

Marco Daturi | 2016 | Ed. Magenes

I dive

The first of a new format for scuba divers, part of a project for  the reef protection.

Marco Daturi | 2016 | Ed. Reef Writer Corp.

My editorial project

I have designed, created, and developed magazines and other editorial projects.

Cerba Italia Magazine

The official magazine of Cerba HealthCare Italia featuring current medical and scientific content.

Since 2021 | Registered with the Court of Milan, No. 77, dated 08.04.2021


A new high-quality editorial project: emotions and useful information related to diving.

SInce 2012 | Ed. Zero Pixel

Malta Diving Guide

malta diving
A free guide, entirely created by me (photos, texts, and graphics) to explore the extraordinary seabeds of the Maltese archipelago.

Marco Daturi | 2016 | Ed. Malta Tourism Authority

Marketing Workbook

The workbook guides the reader's reasoning with directed questions about the main aspects of their marketing activity.

Marco Daturi | 2021 | Ed. Zero Pixel

Other publications

I often write articles for blogs and magazines. Some for passion, others for work.
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